Privacy Policy


Company Number: 15529353
Address: 21 Priory Ave Street, London, N8 7RP, United Kingdom

Last updated 14 March 2024


This policy applies to all registered users and also visitors of our Internet store.


  • We manifest its commitment to privacy and data protection by embracing the following principles.
  • We use personal data lawfully, fairly, correctly and in a transparent manner.
  • We collect no more personal data than necessary, and only for a legitimate purpose.
  • We retain no more data than necessary or for a longer period than needed.
  • We protect personal data with appropriate security measures.

The personal data we receive from you is usually stored in United Kingdom, but may also be transferred and processed in a foreign country outside of United Kingdom, if necessary, for the purposes of implementing this Policy. Any such transfer of your personal data will be carried out in accordance with the current legislation of United Kingdom, in particular the Law of United Kingdom “On Personal Data Protection”, and without violating your legal rights.

Your personal data is available and accessible only by those who need the data to accomplish the intended processing purpose.

We may from time to time also share personal data with independent third parties, such as electronic communication providers, banks, and postal services. Please be aware that many of these recipients have an independent right or obligation to process your personal data in their own rights.

In addition, we may also disclose personal data to third parties, if we have reason to believe that using or disclosing such information is necessary or advisable to: (i) conduct investigations of possible breaches of law; (ii) identify, contact, or bring legal action against someone who may be violating an agreement they have with us; (iii) investigate security breaches or cooperate with government authorities pursuant to a legal matter; or (iv) to protect our rights, safety or property, including the prevention of fraud.

We reserve the right to transfer any personal data we have about you in the event that we merge with or are acquired by a third party, undergo another business transaction such as a reorganization, or should any such transaction be proposed.

We’re not allowed to collect, process, use, store etc. personal data without a valid legal ground. Lawfulness may be derived from your consent, by contract, statutory obligations or from our legitimate interest as a business. For each specific process purpose of processing of personal data, we collect from you, we will inform you about which legal ground that will apply, and what rights you are entitled to exercise. whether the provision of personal data is statutory or required to enter a contract and whether it is an obligation to provide the personal data and possible consequences if you choose not to.

You have the right to object to processing of your personal data that is based on Our legitimate interest. will not continue to process the personal data unless we can demonstrate a legitimate ground for the process which overrides your interest and rights or due to legal claims.

We may need to update our Privacy Notice. The latest version of the Privacy Notice is always available on our website.

We use no more data than necessary for providing you with all the benefits that comes with the account. This means that we will only use personal data obtained directly from you when you signed-up for your account, combined with information you share with us by using our services.

The processing of your personal data to create and manage your account and to provide you with the services of is necessary to fulfil contractual obligations derived from that agreement.

Our Team will process your data no longer than necessary for fulfilling the purpose of providing you with the services related to your account. We will keep your personal data until the end of our relationship and a period of 5 years after the end of the contractual relationship.

Whenever you as a customer shop from us, we use your personal data, such as name, e-mail, address order details and transaction data to provide you with the products and services ordered from us. Specifically, we use your personal data to be able to process your purchase order and payment, to have your order produced and delivered, handle returns and warranty claims.

We will process your personal data in order to generate and marketing materials and send out direct marketing such as newsletter and information about offers, deals, discounts, promotions, new collections etc.

We collect personal information that can be used to identify, relate to, describe, associate with, or link to a specific consumer or household. This includes the following categories of personal information:
A. Identifiers: Real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, internet protocol address, email address, account name, or similar identifiers.
B. Categories of personal information: Name, signature, physical characteristics or description, address, telephone number, or any other financial information.
C. Characteristics of protected classifications under state or federal law: Age, citizenship, and sex (including gender, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy or childbirth, and related medical conditions).
D. Commercial information: Records of products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, as well as other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.
E. Biometric information.
F. Internet or other electronic network activity information: Browsing history, search history, and information about a consumer’s interaction with an internet website, application, or advertisement.
G. Geolocation data.
H. Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information.
I. Inferences drawn from other personal information to create a profile reflecting a consumer’s preferences, characteristics, and trends.

Please note that the collection of this information is done in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of United Kingdom to provide you with the best possible service and experience.



We use variety of administrative, management and technical security measures to protect your personal information. Our Company adheres to various international standards of control aimed at transactions with personal information, which include certain controls to protect information collected on the Internet.

Our employees are trained to understand and implement these controls and are familiar with our Privacy Notice, regulations and instructions. However, while we are committed to protecting your personal information, you must also take steps to protect it.

We strongly encourage you to take all possible precautions while online. Our services and websites provide measures to protect against leakage, unauthorized use and alteration of the information we control. While we do everything we can to ensure the integrity and security of our network and systems, we cannot guarantee that our security measures will prevent illegal access to this information by third-party hackers.


This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time, each time reviewing the last updated date at the top of the Privacy Policy and indicating nature of changes in the statement.


Issues, comments, requests or complaints regarding this Privacy Policy and the way your personal data is handled are welcome and can be addressed to our personal data controller through contact form on the website.